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The Harbinger

The Harbinger published on No Comments on The Harbinger

I’m currently debating posting these on a set schedule, but if I do it’d probably only be every Friday.  What do you guys think–should I keep going at the sporratic pace, or try and even these suckers out?

I am a becoming a huge fan of the abstract background (seen in the triptych).  It’s nice to not have to worry about the details, and just focus on mood and color.  That being said, it doesn’t always work, particularly in wide shots.  The bottom panel was originally done without any details, just vague abstracty colors, but it just wasn’t working.  There wasn’t enough reference as to where they were, so it got changed.

I would also like to point out that this is the first time we’ve seen one of the blobs from behind, because I didn’t know what I wanted to do with their eyes.  I’m pretty happy with the result. Definitely still digging on the lasso and gradient combo for shadows and highlights, as you can see in the bottom panel.

Next comic will delve deeper still into the mythos of Dungeon Crawlers.

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