First off, sorry for the delay! I took a vacation to Chicago with my lovely wife to celebrate ten years together. It was amazing, but it definitely threw me out of my groove for a while there.
Secondly, I have to give a big shout out to Tarjei for coming up with the name Lillian. I think it’s a good fit.
Thirdly, thanks for the comments. Sometimes I don’t realize that people I reading this comic. When I first started, pretty much the only people reading it were me, Eric, and my mom. I need to get my ish together and treat this like it’s the real deal now that I actually have a following. Thank you for that!
Continuing with the Pokemon riff, I had a lot of fun with this strip. Drawing off brand Pokemon is one of the best things ever. You should try it.
I feel so entitled to have contributed to her cuteness! 🙂 Rock on Lillian!
Dang it, I didn’t mean to post that just yet…
I was about to praise the three re-imagined starter pokemons. 🙂 I love the Shroomasaur! (Shroomapug? Looks sorta like a pug to me.) If I had to pick one of the three, it’d definitely be him.
The charipede looks kinda cutesy too, and finally we have a squirtle-faximile that actually has guns from the get-go! (I found it weird how he just sorta developed a cannon on his back. Now he has something to work up from!)
I see you’ve grown more accustomed to drawing humanoids as well! Keep up the good work. 🙂
They knockoffs fantastic. Imaginative, artistic, but at the same time instantly recognizable in regards to their source.
But they replace the traditional Pokémon cuteness with a dose of creepy. I think she made the right choice in leaving; the Squirtle in particular looks a bit unstable.
Err… the knockoffs are*
Whatever Spencer! I’ve been reading since day 1 too! So there. I LOVE THEEEEESE DON’T STOOOOP
Awwww, thanks!
I read your comic too! At first I read because I was like “I should support artists I vaguely know” but I kept reading because I enjoy it! 🙂
Yay! Enjoying is the right reason, thank you!
I will call them Shroomie, Leggie, and Blaster. Heh… I love pokemon.