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She kind of reminds me of Princess Zelda. But alas, I know that would probably be too many cross-overs at one time. To me she looks like she could be a Noelle or a Deetra. Or if you wanted to directly mimic the pokemon series you she could be an Ashly (Ash) or a color (Pink. Or Aubergine or Eggplant would be funny).

I’m not going to suggest a name, but I certainly hope Professor Spruce gives her the option to pick from Bo, Jasper, or Tree Kitty as her first creature.

Then her rival will pop in, act like a jerk, and select whichever one is naturally superior to her choice. I have no idea what that hierarchy would be in this case.

I always think of Zelda when I see her. If you are familiar with the canon The legend of Zelda, the princess has many different alias’ I would look there. Sheik or Tetra. Would make for more good spoofing. Also consider the old game series Dragon Warrior for NES. One of the first mobs you encounter are slimes. Beware! A Slime draws near! is a memory of my child hood.

If you’re going with references, then how about Zetra? 🙂

I’m not gonna chew this one out and explain what two names combine there, but it has a nice ring to it.

If references are not necessary… She’s always looked like a Lillian to me. I don’t know why, but she just does.

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