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Dungeon Crawlers: First Edition

Dungeon Crawlers: First Edition published on 1 Comment on Dungeon Crawlers: First Edition

It’s finally here! Dungeon Crawlers: First Edition, is a compilation of the first 124 comics!

You can buy it HERE!


The whole thing took longer than expected to put together. Since I’d made Dungeon Crawlers for the web, there were lots of different size pages, and gaps that I’d need to make up for in compiling it. As a result, the finished book has a bunch of new illustrations and cool looking borders added to fill things out. Here’s just a few to check out:

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I’m very proud of the finished product, so hopefully this can help hold over fans as I find time to put out new comics (I actually have some stuff written out!).

Thank you all for sticking with it!

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