Grizzlaw Mines 06
It’s been nice breaking away from the format of having a “gag” on each page… it allows me to do more actiony stuff like this! Hope you’re all enjoying the somewhat new direction.
It’s been nice breaking away from the format of having a “gag” on each page… it allows me to do more actiony stuff like this! Hope you’re all enjoying the somewhat new direction.
Mysterious vine enters! This page took me a lot longer than it should have to break down. I am trying to keep panels and angles fresh instead of falling on old habits. More pages will be coming, but I may be a bit slower than the weekly update, due to taking on some freelance work… Continue reading Grizzlaw Mines 07
This is a comic I did for the Alt Press Fest Zine, and I wanted to share it somewhere. I know it’s not Dungeon Crawlers content, but it’s a similar milieu. Oh, and I’m not dead… Sorry for the lack of updates and the long hiatus. Lots of life stuff has gotten in the way.… Continue reading Hiatus – An Update (Kind of)
It’s finally here! Dungeon Crawlers: First Edition, is a compilation of the first 124 comics! You can buy it HERE! The whole thing took longer than expected to put together. Since I’d made Dungeon Crawlers for the web, there were lots of different size pages, and gaps that I’d need to make up for in… Continue reading Dungeon Crawlers: First Edition
This isn’t a Dungeon Crawlers post (sorry), but I figured some of you may be interested… I recently participated in a contest to have a graphic novel published for Graphix, a subsidiary of Scholastic. The winners have been announced and I didn’t make the cut, so I figured it’d be as good a time as any… Continue reading Graphix Comic Entry