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Shrooms published on 3 Comments on Shrooms

Phosphorescent mushrooms are an important part of every fantasy setting–almost as much as cool floating rock islands (soon to come hopefully).  I’ve got the next few comics generally laid out in my brain, and I think we’re going in a good direction.

I think the colors turned out pretty good this time, and the shading tends to hold things down, but I am a bit sad it isn’t as bright and exciting as some of the outdoorsy stuff.  I’ve been learning a lot working on this old thing, and trying to apply said knowledge to some pretty sweet side project comics.  I’ll keep you guys posted as those projects progress.

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Followed a link over to this comic today on a whim. I got hooked on the premise and read my way through the archives… I really enjoyed all of it, funny characters and great classic gaming pop culture references. I’ll be back!

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