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Raiders of the Lost Something or Other

Raiders of the Lost Something or Other published on No Comments on Raiders of the Lost Something or Other

This comic took me longer than any other one so far, but it is easily the one I am most proud of so far.  I had the idea to riff on the opening scene of Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark, but I took it a step further and decided to take backgrounds from the actual film for the comic.  Below are the screencaps I took and what I did to them (and more discussion follows):

Keen eyes and photoshoppers will probably be able to see how this was done (as well as the mistakes), but to put it simply, it was a lot of copy, paste, clone tool, etc.  I had a lot of fun doing this part since I haven’t done photo-manipulation in a while now.

Also, look at the shading on Jasper and Bo (and Guster).  It’s all gradienty and ish.  I felt it was in keeping with the more realistic tone of this comic.  Oh and check it, I used a white border this time simply because the black blended in too much to the frames.  Exciting, right?

Until next week…

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