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Grizzlaw Mines 02-03

Grizzlaw Mines 02-03 published on 2 Comments on Grizzlaw Mines 02-03

That’s a big one… a double page spread.  Sure it looks small on the website, but click the image below to see in largerness.Comic-126-(02-03)-finished

Took a while though, didn’t it?  I was going through a busy stretch of life there for a bit, and whenever I tried to find time to draw on Dungeon Crawlers, I just wasn’t happy with what I was doing… I think I redrew variations on this page a half dozen times before coming up with something I wasn’t embarrassed to post.  I’m really trying to push myself to do better, and I think this page is the start of that.

Pages will continue to be infrequent I imagine as life tends to get in the way, but I really am determined to write a complete story that I can publish as a physical copy.

Thank you all for the love and support!


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